Wednesday, 11 April 2012

The global facts and figures relating to endangered edible fish species is alarming. USA for instance has 177 out of 177 of these species endangered. Tanzania, with whom we share a major water body, comes second with 172 out of 177 endangered. The main reason for this according to the WorldBank is the uneven ratio of fishermen to fish-farmers which is currently 1000:9. In Kenya, 74% of tilapia harvested generates revenue of more than KES. 7 billion annually. However, with the rate of endangerment on these species the revenues are quickly dwindling. Hence, FISHMATE. FISHMATE is an eco-system with a mobile application that engages the public on fish-farming industry with regards to the fish species that are threatened, aquaculture training, production, distribution and marketing aiming to radically reverse the afore-mentioned ratio. It seeks to create a robust and interactive Knowledge Management System to encourage the agricultural sector toward food security and its sustainability for the economic development, with respect to fish-farming, gearing towards Vision 2030. FISHMATE app has a resource of aggregated location-based information on those who seek to get into fish-farming, a wealth of data and resources for those already practicing fish-farming and a market place for the public who seek to buy not from fishermen but fish-farmers near/around them. 

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